
fse-building-addALTERATION: Any construction or renovation to an existing structure other than repair or addition that requires a permit. Also, a change in a mechanical system that involves an extension, addition or change to the arrangement, type or purpose of the original installation that requires a permit.

Additions, alterations, or repairs to any structure shall conform to the requirements for a new structure without requiring the existing structure to comply with all of the requirements of this code, unless otherwise stated. Additions, alterations or repairs shall not cause an existing structure to become unsafe or adversely affect the performance of the building.

Additions Additions - increase the square footage or external dimensions of a building. They can be divided into lateral additions, vertical additions, and enclosures of areas below existing buildings. When considering additions, it is important to consider that changes to the shape of the building may impact the potential damages to the house. A lateral addition may change the way flood waters travel around the structure and potentially create obstructions for flood-borne debris that may require additional foundation modifications. Vertical additions may also impose greater loads on the existing structure. A qualified design professional should evaluate the loading to the entire structure to see if additional structural modifications are required in order to maintain the structure’s ability to sustain flood loading.



what we offer

metus et turpis ornare sedusce consectetur



Rough Framing 
Rotam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et  architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo.


Steel Work
Enventore veritatis et arch itecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia volupt


What do the OSHA Excavation standards cover, and how do they protect workers?


Eaque ipsa quae ab illo inve ntore veritatis et architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicaboemo enim