Architecture & Design

After the award of the project to the general contractor the architect and other members of the team must remain fully involved. Decisions previously made may require clarification; suppliers' information must be reviewed for compliance with the Contract Documents; and substitutions must be evaluated. If changes affect the operation of the building, it is especially important that the user/client be involved. User requirements may change, necessitating changes in the building—these changes require broad consultation among the consultants and sub-consultants, pricing, and incorporation into the contract documents and the building.

The design team is responsible for assuring that the building meets the requirements of the Contract Documents, but the building's success at meeting the requirements of the original program can be assessed by the construction management team or third parties in a process known as Commissioning. A full range of functions in the building should be evaluated and the design and construction team can be called upon to make changes and adjustments as needed.

The architect acts as the lead designer coordinating the consultants, assuring compliance with the PFD, and assuring compliance with the budget. The architect participates in the construction phase of the project, assessing compliance with the contract documents by managing appropriate inspections, submissions approvals, and evaluations by the subconsultants. The architect assists in the evaluation of requests for payment by the builder and other professionals.